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Objects and Classes Library for Oracle Forms 4.5/5.0

The library was created as a result of the company's work to develop complete applications using Oracle Designer/2000 and Developer/2000

Main purpose:

  • Standardization of the interface and functional logic of forms being designed
  • Expanding interface capabilities and facilitation of database management by using additional components
  • Speeding up the process of building view forms
  • Building more accurate modules through the use of adjusted subprograms and classes
  • Facilitation of forms support by transferring to the libraries frequently used components and the technology for working with the reference information stored within the library.
However, the library does not impose limits on the developer. The execution of all library classes enables the implementation of an object approach and full value inheritance mechanisms provided by Oracle Forms 4.5/5.0. The developer can expand the standard set of operations with additional functionality.

Main Library Components

  1. Property Classes for standardization of the interface and functionality
  2. Error messages
  3. Support work rulers and menus, standard versions of the ruler and menus
  4. Support of box calls in additional windows (in most cases, modular) generating a call stack
  5. Additional properties of form elements
  6. Check of correctness of entry deletions
  7. Setting in-box sorting function by the form user
  8. Working with tree structures (navigator)
  9. Support of the progress bar
  10. Working with reference information. Calls of screen forms from one another, master and detailed forms
[ Additional info ]

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