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RABIS-2 Performance Tuning

St. Petersburg Headquarters of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a local branch of the Central Bank of Russia carrying out all of its activities in St. Petersburg region. The HQ comprises clearing centers and field offices. The functions and responsibilities the St. Petersburg HQ of CBR include pursuing a unified federal policy in such areas as monetary circulation, monetary control and utilization of credit resources; economic analysis and statistics; supervising commercial banks' operations; foreign trade regulation; involvement in the development of a legal framework of banking operations; and control of inter-bank payment in the region.

Project Goals

The main task of LEAVES Company under this project was to develop to tight deadlines a set of performance tuning recommendations for the RABIS-2 system to reduce time needed to perform basic transactions.

Additional deliverables achieved during the implementation of the project can be used to further improve major characteristics of the system, such as reliability, security and manageability.

Project Description

Given tight implementation deadlines, the current status of development (absence of a functional version), frequent variations, high importance of the system for the Client's business processes, physical remoteness of the developers and other constraints, this project has the following characteristics:
  • Only major, i.e. critical for the system as a whole, parts (modules) of the RABIS-2 application are considered for one version (update) of this application.
  • A special testing environment (the so-called "System Prototype") was used as operational environment for the development of the system. Some of the proposed changes were tested within the System Prototype. All of the proposed changes are optional rather than mandatory.
  • No full testing cycle was run. All tests were performed using the System Prototype, and only performance (evaluation) tests were carried out.
  • During the project any advice was available for the Client's representatives. Issues related to arranging training of the Client's representatives were not considered.

Project Deliverables

Comparative results obtained during tests of the original and modified versions of the system using the System Prototype. These results did not take account of the duration of client software runs which remained the same in both cases.

The figures below illustrate improvements (in terms of time savings) in the execution of the relevant business processes after performance tuning:
"Average" improvement - 2.4 times
  • 1.3 times: Receipt of messages from commercial banks
  • 2.6 times: Input of paper-based documents
  • 4.5 times: Data entries
  • 15.7 times: Sending messages to commercial banks

Technical Information

Hardware Configuration and OS

  • Model: Hewlett Packard K420
  • Architecture: 2-node cluster
  • Operating System: HP-UX v.10.10
  • Systems Software: MS Lock manager 10.0

DBMS Configuration

  • Name and version: Oracle Server v.
  • Network components: SQL*Net v.2.3

Applications Configuration

  • Name and version: RABIS-2
  • Development tools: Power Builder v.5.0.3
  • Data loaded: Test Operating Day
  • Client's OS: MS Windows95/NT
[ Additional details ]

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